Why your business needs a Corporate wellness program for your employees


Why Corporate Wellness for your employees?

written by: Made to Endure Fitness, LLC

Companies usually offer their employees health insurance or an employee wellness program. Why is it so important to consider the health of those who work for you?

Have you ever had employees that have extreme or moderate health conditions that prohibit their performance from advancing? Many of which are preventable with the right tools and encouragement. Some are on medications that may have adverse dose effects.. However working closely with a Health and Wellness Company can bring about massive behavioral and physical benefits to them, thus being more productive, more alert, and are likely to be less absent.

MadeoEndure Fitness offers on-site corporate wellness programs and tailors a custom wellness program based on your company size, Having healthier employees helps cut rising healthcare costs to a better functioning foundation for your business. We offer the requirements of a Wellness program by providing Health awareness (such as health education, preventive screenings and health risk assessments); employee engagement (mechanisms to encourage employee participation); behavioral change (elements proven to help alter unhealthy lifestyles such as counseling, seminars or self help materials); and a supportive environment (such as creating on-site polices encourage healthy lifestyles, eating, physical activity and mental health).

For more details on tax cuts and health insurance savings check:


If you want to find out more, you can book a FREE consultation with us! at https://www.madetoendurefitness.com/book-online

  1. Click on Corporate Wellness Free consulting
  2. Book a date and time
  3. Meet with us for a customized program estimate.

Original post: https://www.madetoendurefitness.com/blog/why-corporate-wellness-for-your-employees

Contact us for more info:

Phone: 954-934-7987

Email: madetoendurefitness@gmail.com


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