Caffeine: how our health is affected?

Caffeine is a stimulant found in some plants, dating back to 2700 BC when the first tea in history was made. Coffee was discovered long afterward when an Ethiopian shepherd discovered that his animals became more active when they drank coffee. Today, nearly 80% of people in the world consume caffeinated beverages every day, and caffeine works by stimulating the nervous system and brain.


Caffeine: how our health is affected?


Food sources of caffeine

Caffeine is found naturally in the leaves, fruits or seeds of more than 60 plants in the world. It is also manufactured and added to certain foods, beverages, and medicines.

  • *Coffee: The medium-sized cup of ground and roasted coffee contains approximately 85 mg of caffeine.
  • *Tea: Dried tea leaves contain more caffeine than roasted and ground coffee, but when fermented, the amount of caffeine in it becomes less than the amount found in coffee. Every cup of tea contains 20-80 mg of caffeine. By its type.
  • *Chocolate: Cocoa seeds naturally contain caffeine, so anything made from these seeds contains caffeine. It is worth mentioning that the higher the concentration of cocoa in chocolate the greater the amount of caffeine in it, where 28 grams of dark chocolate, which consists of 70% cocoa Contains 20 mg of caffeine, but if the concentration of cocoa in the range of 45%, the amount of caffeine in it decreases to 11 mg.
  • *Soft drinks: One serving, or about 200 milliliters of these drinks, contains an amount of caffeine ranging between 30-60 mg, and the Food and Drug Administration pointed out that the dark color soft drinks contain the largest amount of caffeine compared to others.
  • *Energy drinks: The amount of caffeine in these drinks varies depending on the type, but it can be said that one serving or the equivalent of 200 ml of these drinks provide the body with about 75 mg of caffeine, but it should be noted that there are some energy drinks that contain Twice that amount.
  • *Protein Bars: Some of the ingredients can contain chocolate and coffee, so they may contain caffeine. A person can read the food label before buying it to see how much caffeine it contains.
  • *Sweetened dairy products: Chocolate or coffee can be added to some yogurt, ice cream, or other dairy products to give it a flavor,
  • *Other sources: There are some over-the-counter medicines that contain caffeine, and there are some types of candy, chewing gum, and other foods that can contain the amount of caffeine.

The benefits of caffeine

Caffeine provides many health benefits for the body, but it should be noted that some still need more studies to confirm and the most important benefits:

Help to lose weight: caffeinated drinks reduce appetite and desire to eat, as it stimulates the body to produce heat and energy when digesting food, but these benefits are uncertain.

Vigilance: A dose of caffeine equal to 75 mg increases attention, concentration, and alertness in humans, and increasing the dose to between 160-600 mg increases the alertness of the brain, speed of reaction, and also increases memory.

Boosting athletic performance: Experts note that caffeine increases exercise performance in endurance exercises and reduces the effort needed to do it, but these benefits have a short-term effect.

Stimulating brain function: Studies have shown that drinking coffee stimulates thinking skills and reduces mental degeneration associated with aging because coffee contains antioxidant polyphenols and contains caffeine that affects adenosine neurotransmitter receptors.

Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: Studies have found that people who drank coffee throughout their lifetime were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and people who drank large quantities of coffee were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

Caffeine damage

In spite of the many benefits of caffeine, when over-consumed it produces a lot of damage.

  • *Exposure to anxiety and stress,
  • * Mood intensity. Suffering from insomnia.
  • Gastrointestinal problems such as gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • * Suffering from nausea, diarrhea.
  • * Caffeine addiction.
  • *high blood pressure. Acceleration of the heart muscles.
  • * Feeling tired and general fatigue.
  • * frequent urination.

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